Clinics & Services
You can make an appointment directly with our nurse or leave messages in relation to any of the following conditions: 
Chronic Disease Management Clinics
- Diabetes
- Coronary heart disease
- Respiratory
- Hypertension
- Thyroid
Health Promotion
- Lifestyle checks
- Travel advice
- Health promotion
- New patient medicals
- Family planning & sexual health
- Women’s health (including HRT, contraception and smears)
- Smoking cessation
Treatment Room Services
- ECG (heart trace)
- Blood pressure checks
- Ear syringing
- Dressings
- Some injections (including tetanus and holiday vaccines)
Other Services
- Child development
- Counselling
- Antenatal clinic
- Minor surgery
The practice will also provide patient health checks on request for:
- patients 16 years or over who have not had a consultation or attended a clinic within three years.
- patients 75 years or over who have not had a consultation within the previous 12 months.